king's money advice centre
...with a little help from a friend
let's talk: 01702 522197
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supporting kmac - we're very good value
King's Money Advice Centre was launched by King's Church Southend in 2009 at a cost of £10,000
Each year it costs KMAC approximately £6,000 to keep offering its services free to our clients
Over the years we have received support from such diverse sources as .....
The Rosco Trust - The Cooperative - "Stop Loan Sharks" - My Car Boutique
The Cable Yard Experience - King's Church - Relational Mission
DJ Frenzic - ECF - Frank Litchfield Charitable Trust
Union Congregational Church, Leigh
Other individual free-will giving
We are very grateful to these sources....and so are our clients. Some are current members of the kmac 600 Club
kmac 600 Club - supporting vulnerable families and individuals
To put kmac on a good foundation of support we launched the 'kmac 600 Club'
If we could gather 10 companies (or individuals) giving £600 per annum (£50 per month) we can continue as we are, helping vulnerable individuals and families.
We currently have 2 members.
If we were able to generate more support than 10 sources then this would mean we could also grow and develop our services.
If you would like to know more about how you (or your company) could become a member of the 'kmac 600 Club' please contact us at:
Update... We welcome Cable Yard Experience as the latest member of the kmac 600 Club. We thank My Car Boutique for 2 years of generous and valuable support.