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supporting kmac - we're very good value

King's Money Advice Centre was launched by King's Church Southend in 2009 at a cost of £10,000


Each year it costs KMAC approximately £6,000 to keep offering its services free to our clients


Over the years we have received support from such diverse sources  as .....


The Rosco Trust - The Cooperative  - "Stop Loan Sharks" - My Car Boutique

The Cable Yard Experience - King's Church - Relational Mission

DJ Frenzic - ECF - Frank Litchfield Charitable Trust

Union Congregational Church, Leigh

Other individual free-will giving 


We are very grateful to these sources....and so are our clients. Some are current members of the kmac 600 Club


kmac 600 Club - supporting vulnerable families and individuals


To put kmac on a good foundation of support we launched the 'kmac 600 Club'


  • If we could gather 10 companies (or individuals) giving £600 per annum  (£50 per month) we can continue as we are, helping vulnerable individuals and families.

  • We currently have 2 members.

  • If we were able to generate more support than 10 sources then this would mean we could also grow  and develop our services.

  • If you would like to know more about how you (or your company) could become a member of the 'kmac 600 Club' please contact us at:


Update...  We welcome Cable Yard Experience as the latest member of the kmac 600 Club. We thank My Car Boutique for 2 years of generous and valuable support.

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